This has been a really irritating week for me. I wish I didn't get irritated or upset or afraid, but I do; I'm just not at that place yet. Anyway, it was irritating because some things happened that brought back some angry/painful memories for me. I was trying to sort through that and found myself with some very low frustration tolerance. The kids were asking me, "Are you okay Mom?" and "What's the matter Mom?" I did a lot of self-talk this week and a lot of praying, and I woke up this morning with that nagging, biting feeling gone. I woke up with a new perspective, which is the usual one- that life is good, that the world is beautiful, and that God hears and answers prayers.
Perspective is an interesting thing. It's the view from where you stand, and it's different for everyone. We're all standing at varying life angles and in our own particular shoes No matter how much we may think alike, our view will always have a slightly different tint to it. My life hadn't changed this past week, but my perspective was dark and the view was me standing where I am, but looking backwards.
Reminding myself that I've weaknesses too, and that I can never completely understand why others do what they do, because I don't know where they've been or what they've been through, or why they do what they do brought me peace. Trying to stand in their shoes and see things from their perspective helps a whole lot too.
Here are a few scenes, one green and one blue, to brighten your perspective on a winter day: