I absolutely love being a woman. There is nothing in this world, nothing in Heaven or on Earth that I would rather be. I delight in the womanhood of my girls, for all that it means to be a woman, for all that they have to look forward to- their growing gifts and strengths. A woman is a powerful, beautiful being. Womanhood is beauty and intelligence and compassion and strength, all rolled into one. Some of us may not know it yet, some of us are still growing into it, but all of us women were born with the seeds of it. It is our divine inheritance- our divine nature as Daughters of God. No matter what our circumstances, believing that we are known and cherished by God, as His daughters, can be a guiding polar light, bringing us back to what a woman is, and ought to be- beauty, intelligence, kindness and nurturing strength. We have the seeds of all these traits knit into our fiber, in a way unique to women. And I love the diversity of women. We come in all shapes and sizes, each with our own curious mixture of strengths and gifts. A woman is a powerful, beautiful being- and in that, I rejoice.

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