This year a very dear aunt of mine passed away. She had cancer for a long while, but she stayed strong feeling she needed to take care of my uncle who was also sick. I would come to visit them and find her working in the house or around the yard. Even though they were both sick, she would get up every day and see that meals were made and that he had everything he needed- all the while brushing off any mention of her illness, never complaining of her own pain or discomfort. If that's not love and selflessness, I don't know what is. There were times in her treatments when she was really weak and sick, she walked slowly and bent over. I would be driving by and see her trudging along the bike path for exercise and be incredulous. She was one of the strongest people I know, a real fighter. When my uncle passed on, she started declining faster, and was gone in about three months. They're together now, without the pain and suffering.
Another aunt came over for the funeral. As we were visiting, she told me how great I looked and asked me what my secret was. I told her I had a good husband. We laughed about it, but I was totally serious. He takes care of me and our children. He has provided for us all these years. He has sheltered me and cherished me and given me a good life. And he has selflessly sacrificed to give it. Every weekday he gets up early in the morning to take Jesse to seminary, then an hour later he goes to pick her up. Then he's off to work and a day of the usual stresses and challenges, but when he comes home he wipes it from his face and walks in the door. He kisses and hugs me and jokes with the girls. If that's not manly, I don't know what is. I thank God for such a good man- my love, my husband.
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