
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Prayers for my son

I’m sorry I was gone for so long.  I had some family matters to attend to, and felt I needed to gather in all my resources, both physical and spiritual to conserve them for my family.  My son has just had a major surgery, and thanks to the prayers and fasting of hundreds of people, all has gone well, better than expected. 

Throughout the days and hours of tests, and procedures and waiting, waiting, waiting, I felt deeply peaceful, and as the time approached for the surgery, and especially on the day of it, God took all fear from me.  I couldn’t exactly say I knew what the outcome of the surgery would be, but I trusted God, and felt that everything would be alright, even though I didn’t know all that that would entail. 

I found out later that there were some of you saying prayers, amongst all the other prayers being offered for my son, that were specifically requesting peace for our family.  I want you to know that I felt it, and I’m grateful.  After we had found out the outcome of the first part of the surgery, I was talking to Scott about all the people praying and fasting, and he said, “Well, it’s working.”

All this has brought home to me, once again, how incredibly powerful prayer is.  I know there is a God in heaven, who is our Father.  I know He loves us, and wants to grant us the good things we ask for.  I thank Him for preserving the life of my son, for filling me with peace and trust, and taking away fear.  And I thank you for lending your faith in our behalf, and for sending your prayers up to that God who hears, loves, and answers.

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