
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mary's words

-One day Elena asked me what she was supposed to say, so that she doesn't sound cocky when someone pays her a compliment.  I told her to believe them, and just say, "Thank you."

-One day, I said to Mary, "Do you know you're cute?"  She said, "How can I not, when you tell me everyday?"

-One day, when I was sick, I came from my bed straight to the living room couch.  I was just sitting there staring off into space, and Mary said to me, "Mommy you're pretty, even when you're sick."  I smiled at her and said, "Thank you baby, I don't think so, but thank you."  And she said, "Well I do, but it only matters what you think."

-One day I found Mary at the computer drawing.  I was really impressed with what she had done.  I told her how good her drawing was, and how smart I thought she was.  She had that shy dimpled grin on her face that says she's pleased, and that she believed me.  She stood up and said, "Thank you Mommy.  I love to draw. . ."  Then she wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my stomach.

-One day Siwa took Mary to the ceramic studio.  This time Siwa helped her make a little bowl for me.  You can't see it in the picture, but it says Mary heart Mom.  They fired it and glazed it in blue, and this last week Mary gave it to me.
For as long as I can remember, from the time she was first able to draw, speak or write, Mary has been telling me, over and over, in countless ways, that she loves and adores me.  My sister Angela sent this music video to me, on a hard day, and it was so uplifting I watched it three times.  On the third viewing, paper airplanes started flying around the room.  They had Mary's loving words written all over them . . .

I like the final scene, where the paper airplane is thrown out there, just hovering, 
like an open invitation to all of us, to "say love."  
Sometimes when I look at Mary, 
all I can think, or say in my heart is  
love, love, love . . .

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